Don’t Give me a lovebite
Since 2015 I have been exploring ideas surrounding desire and the way in which it often precipitates change and creation. Worthy or unworthy, desire impels us to attain or possess a person, a place, or an object often times at our own detriment.
For this series I continue to explore the concept of desire through the use of embroidery, soft sculpture and animation. Collectively the works tell a story warning us of the perils of desire. The Girl, The Devil, and The Serpent are 3 characters that are frequently used as symbols to depict my thoughts and feelings surrounding relationships intimacy and desire.
The title- Don’t Give Me a Love Bite, in the literal sense talks about not wanting a physical mark (a sign of an intimate encounter) left on your body. Metaphorically it speaks to the idea of low investment intimacy (a desire to get your physical needs met, without someone leaving an emotional mark or expecting commitment of you). In my work The Devil represents the lustful, detached and often chaotic need to satisfy our wishes, but he is also the object of the girls desire, in which she projects her emotional needs onto. The Girl symbolises innocence, as well as the quest for safety, closeness and intimacy. And the snake is a symbol of desire itself.
In the age of dating apps, and hookup culture, this awkward dance between The Devil and The Girl is so prevalent, and if you have not personally experienced it, it’s likely that you know at least one other person that has. With that said, I’ll leave you with this question- If The Serpent is desire, which are you, The Girl or The Devil?
Some picture frames from Don’t Give Me A Lovebite (short stop-motion animation), 2023
The Magician, Hand embroidery on cotton, 2023
(Left) The Devil Wants Me, Hand embroidery on cotton, 2022. (Right) And I wanted him too, Hand embroidery on cotton, 2022
The Fool, Hand embroidery on cotton, 2023