Asafo Water Colour

When making these three paintings I kept the Asafo flag theme in mind, and looked at various photos of Asafo flags for composition and motif inspiration. I also used the ‘blocky’ yet loose style used to depict human figures on Asafo flags. I really liked this style of painting humans, and think it’s exactly what I have been aspiring towards, something that is easily recognisable as a human, but with very little detail to explicitly imply so.

I made all three paintings using water colour, although I used acrylic paint for the blue figure in the centre.

I’m not entirely sure what I intended for the figure on top to be, it looks kind of human, but it has a tail, I like painting in this way, just letting the brush go where it wants to go, and create what ever creature it wishes to create.


My First Oil Paintings


Comparison To Lubaki