My First Oil Paintings

This was my very first attempt at oil painting: I jumped right in with a brush and water, and very quickly found that oil painting requires a lot more prep and equipment. In the end I used my fingers to create these paintings, but I do plan on teaching myself how to use oil paints correctly.

Once again, I looked at images of various Asafo flags for inspiration, I also decided to depict the human figures in sureal colours, as I found that this is quite common in Asafo art.

I really enjoyed painting with my fingers and loved the strokes that they created.

This was the second oil pastel that I made, I painted this on an A3 piece of paper, and really wanted to fill up the page. I didn’t get to finish the background, but looking at the photo now I quite like it as it is, and like the visible finger prints dotted around the page.

I used my finger tips to create the black spots dotted around.


The Pursuit of Loosness


Asafo Water Colour